
Kat Grzeszkiewicz, 20岁,a 媒体研究专业,在贝洛伊特小联盟棒球队实习, 凯特把她对运动的热情和她的运动梦想联系在一起 广播和新闻. 她甚至帮助媒体研究成立了自己的部门.

类: 2020
主要(s): 传媒学,辅修新闻学
哪里是你的家? 格林代尔,WI

你是怎么知道伯洛伊特的? 是什么让你兴奋地来到这里?
我在邮件中收到了一张传单,我被招募参加垒球比赛. 我是来这里参观的,觉得这个地方很酷. 我喜欢它的小,校园里的气氛真的很平静. 我以为我能在这里找个地方住.

垒球(大一-大三), TV Studio–I’m in a class with 布莱恩黑樱桃 that includes the process of getting everything together for the TV station to make it usable. 它涉及到库存, 图, set up, 确保事情顺利进行, 订购新材料和供应品, 以及广播的内容规划. 这是校园里的第一次,所以这门课在某种程度上是实验性的. We’re pretty much running the class and taking things into our own hands to get it ready for public and student use. The second part of the course will allow us to become regular content providers and have a team that can make shows or segments that will be streamed onto the public access station.

刚刚过去的这个夏天,我在密尔沃基送奶人俱乐部工作,这是一家独立的棒球俱乐部. 我是来访的媒体大使, 视频制作助理, 还是活动主管的助理. 我会和教练一起工作, 球员, 主客场转播商, 记者席官员, umpires, 的实习生, 以及其他可能在比赛现场参加促销活动的客人. It was cool because it was a great experience to meet people from the professional realm I’m trying to work my way into. 对我来说,典型的一天是打印数据包,然后交给教练, 广播公司, 以及任何来访的需要他们的媒体人员. I would also make sure all the 广播公司 were set with rosters and stats and any other printouts they might need before the game starts. 我会制作花名册,并在整个夏天不断更新. I would also create the scorecard for each game including things like who the umpires are for the game, 关于比赛时间和天气的一般事实, 首发阵容以及每位首发投手的基本数据. Pregame, I’d arrange interviews with 球员 for the pregame show that would be streamed on the American Association website. 之后,我会拍摄采访,编辑,然后交给网络广播员. 在比赛期间,我会对比赛亮点做速记, 简单的统计, 以及在比赛结束后使用的任何更改. 在比赛结束时,我会把最后的数据传回俱乐部, 然后回到新闻发布室,在那里我将编辑我们的作者的新闻稿, 添加图片, 日程安排, 和广告片. 我会把它通过电子邮件发送出去,并在我们的网站上发布另一个版本, 广播员离开后,最后把记者席锁起来. 游戏之外, 我会拍摄牛奶, 这是一个由两位主持人讨论促销的Facebook网络系列节目, 突出了, 还有对赞助商或球员的采访. 这些都将被夹在一起, edited, 发给社交媒体团队,发布在Facebook和Youtube上.

我有一个体育媒体和营销实习/特别项目在贝洛伊特鲷鱼队, 隶属于奥克兰运动家队的小联盟球队. I will be executing reporting assignments related to the team and conducting interviews with 球员, coaches, 和其他员工. 我会对这个团队做调查,为他们写故事. 我用这个来代替选修课. I need less than three credits in my final semester and I wanted to stay with my niche for my career. 我的导师, 乔书店, 布莱恩黑樱桃, 我开发了这个项目,这样我可以在获得经验的同时获得学分.

I love that Beloit gives you the option to do a special project in your field of interest that can relate to your major in place of a traditional course. It allows you to go into a non-traditional classroom environment and gain valuable experience that is tailored specifically to you while still obtaining credits towards your degree. 很少有其他地方允许您灵活地创建自己的类, but Beloit encourages students to take their own path and make your Beloit experience unique and different from anyone else.

我最喜欢的课程是David Boffa教授的体育与艺术. 我没想到会被录取, 我选它是因为它似乎和体育有关. I wasn’t totally sure what I was getting into because it was an art history class and I never took one of those classes before. I thought it would be a lot different than what it was but it turned out to be so engaging and exciting. 大卫是我遇到的最好的教授之一. 他把我非常熟悉的体育世界比作艺术世界, 一些我不熟悉的东西. Seeing sports as art was a totally different experience for me and made me value both art and sports. 课堂上的一切都很有趣,从不枯燥, it was a two-hour class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I never missed it once because I loved it so much. 我甚至在生病的时候也去了,因为我不想错过大卫的演讲. 由于我个人的兴趣和大卫的要求,去年我给这门课当了助教, 因为再来上课听起来是个好主意.

我一开始就想做一些科学方面的事情. 我的专业至少换了四次. I wanted to do communications but there isn’t an explicit major for that so I found myself exploring other majors trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. 大二上学期结束后,我正式宣布社会学为我的专业. 我很喜欢,但这并不是我真正喜欢做的事情. 在那个夏天, 我找到了TDMS剧院, Dance, 传媒研究)系及传媒研究路线. 我觉得这和通信很相似,所以我就这么做. 在大三前的那个夏天, 我给这里的一位教授发了邮件,他教TDMS专业必修的三门课. 我设法在最后一分钟上了她的课,并放弃了三门社会学课. 我和TDMS部门的很多人谈了大三改专业的事. They explained to me that they were no longer accepting applicants for the major because it was splitting off into its own department but that wasn’t actually an official thing yet. 于是我来到这里, not guaranteed a media studies major and dropped three of my classes I needed for my sociology major. I was told to go talk to 乔书店 because he was the one who was creating this plan for media studies. 我告诉他我的困境,并解释说我的梦想是成为一名体育副业记者. He told me everything was going to be okay and that even if the major doesn’t get approved by the academic senate, 我将以媒体研究学位毕业. 最终, media studies was passed by the academic senate due to high interest from students like me and really supporting the idea of having classes directed towards film and broadcast journalism. 最后,我对结果感到非常满意. I really like what I’m doing now with 广播和新闻 and it has been a great surprise in my college and academic career because never would I have thought I would be a part of a movement to add a new major/department to the college.

当然是计算机科学. 我认为这对我来说很简单,因为我对电脑很在行, 我的1S也需要它, 哪个是系统信用. 要么是外语课,要么是音乐课. 高中毕业后我对西班牙语没有任何兴趣, 而且我没有音乐天赋, 所以这自然是最好的选择. 我在没有编程知识的情况下进入了这个班,我遇到了瓶颈, 这位教授令人难以置信, 但没有一种材料粘住. I found myself so stressed out and in for TA sessions once or twice a week for the entire two hours they were held to get my homework done. 即使经历了这一切,我还是不太明白. 有趣的是,即使有那么多压力和不断的困惑, 我那门课得了个B.

伯洛伊特大学博雅教育创业中心. 这是一个如此诱人的空间, 我要坐在二楼的休息室里做一些作业, 从学生零食柜里偷一些零食, 或者只是放松和闲逛. CELEB离校园很远,所以步行或开车都不远. 我喜欢它,因为当我觉得我只是需要在一周中离开, 或者干脆离开我的房间, 这是你典型的学习环境的一个很好的变化.

Now that my friends and I are old enough we like going to the local bars for happy hours and appetizers. The local community is very friendly and they enjoy engaging with us when we go into their establishments.

不要仅仅根据专业来选择大学. 你也不必马上决定你的整个人生. 如果我的大学选择是基于一个专业,我不会像现在这样快乐. 就像我说的,我直到大三才找到我真正的专业. 如果我是基于先入为主的a计划来决定上大学, 我就不会在这里了. I think what really helped me was being able to explore other majors and paths and find out what I like and don’t like. Faculty and staff are also crazy helpful if you have the motivation to get yourself to where you want to be. Everyone here wants to see you happy and 成功的 and I couldn’t have done it without my advisors. This school is small enough to let me bounce around through departments easily and I had the help of close advising. 大学就是不断尝试和犯错, 犯错误, 寻找让你快乐的事情, 找出你是谁, 这正是伯洛伊特大学让我在这里四年所做的.

贝洛伊特给我的所有机会. 我时不时会遇到一些难题,但这会让你为现实世界做好准备. 没有什么是一成不变的, 你必须同时解决多个问题,并坚持下去. Everything here really allows you to gain insight about people with different experiences and backgrounds than you. Being exposed to different cultures or even just people from another state really puts a new perspective on life and shows you that the world is bigger than you think. 一般来说,这些课程也为你做了很多准备. 你不仅要学习学术知识,还要学习生活技能. 你要学会成为一个更好的倾听者、演讲者和作家. 在伯洛伊特,你学会成为一个更好的人,并不是很多机构都能做到这一点.

我想尝试进入体育广播和副业报道. 老实说,任何与此相关的工作都很棒. 如果要我选运动的话,我一定选棒球. 我非常喜欢它,它一直是我生活中很重要的一部分, 所以我想把我所有的激情,为自己的事业和名字. 如果能在伯洛伊特待上一段时间,毕业后为斯内普工作,那就太酷了, 尤其是如果实习顺利的话. It would also be great to be a part of their big new move to the stadium downtown in the next couple of years.

学校的经济援助和其他支持对你有什么影响? 校友和其他人为你的教育捐款对你来说意味着什么?
我被录取后获得了总统奖学金. 我获得的奖学金使我可以选择私立教育. 我没有充分考虑伯洛伊特,直到我的经济援助计划通过. 这是一笔不可思议的交易,我不能错过. 在我的旅行中, 我喜欢这个校园和它散发出的氛围, 因此,许多慷慨的校友提供的经济援助和奖学金使我有可能来到这里. Being here has really been one of the best decisions I have made for myself and it let me prepare myself for life after Beloit. I just think it’s great that alumni can turn around and help the new generation of Beloiters be happy, 成功的, 获得高质量的教育. 这真的很了不起,意义重大, 不仅对我,而且对我其他的同党也是如此.


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